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Monday, March 21, 2011


ok so i've only lived in america for freakin 5 years.. yes that's a long ass time.. and why the hell have i not gotten my license .. Living in new jersey and always being in new york.. public transport was so convenient but i've been in LA for 2 whole years !!!! ok. i've vented enough bout my procrastination.

ANYWAYS!!!  i've passed my written test and i'm bout to do my practical test tomorrow and i'm nervous.. because.. truthfully speaking,  I drive occasionally using my Perth, Australian license rite.. and that's allowed yes hahaha because technically I am not a citizen here but well actually let me scratch that.. i am a resident so no excuse ahha..
I'm going to do this test knowing that i can drive well and know all the rules and i'm praying that i don't overlook certain IMPORTANT "little" things like looking at the rear view mirror and behind my shoulder etc etc that we soooo take for granted and don't pay as much attention to as we should hahaha..

But this year is the year I shall diminish procrastination and really do things and schedule things like i damn well should.. hello!! right?!! hahahaha

well.. as of the end of april i shall have a car and my official cali license hehe!! i'm very excited and proud of myself actually.. So all those that are reading this.. get off ya bums and think of something that you want to do that you've put off for so long.. trust me once you do it.. it really makes you feel like you've accomplished something even if its as small as taking your clothes to the dry cleaners and picking them up as soon as they're done ahhahaha..

have a good day bubs!

1 comment:

  1. Did you pass?!?!?
    I actually have a pile of clothes to go to the dry cleaners that's been sitting for MONTHS! ..the dry cleaners is right across the street! ;P
