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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

check this vid guys.. andddd PICSSSS!!!! "life in japan"...

first off I wanna say i love you guys.. all of you who is taking time out to read this ;) As you know i'm alllwaysss in japan now and i feel super blessed ;) The "LUV SONGS" album is selling so great over there and I want it to also sell to my fellow fans all over asia.. its just that kinda album...

heres a lil video when i was on the way to a show at an area called shibuya. Its popular for clothes shopping etc.. So my label set up a surprise show smack bang in the middle of one of the biggest 'girl' shopping malls called 109!! crazy thing is .. they couldn't advertise it because there might be too many people n then the show will not happen cos the coppers/police will have to come n break up the crowed..
haha was great.. but heres a vid showing the stage when i was in the van on the way there.. its super big and i wasss amazed.. haha 


this show is called "hits use" .. this is the host hehe.. cute old man ;)

performed at club called  'platinum' in nagoya.. the fans were awesome!! sung every word lol

i have my own cd stand and a lil tv playing all my videos as well as my older album released over there!

performing/promoting my new songs and an HMV store in nagoya..

signing autographs for the fans.. 

gotta eat! i love japanese food! ;) when i'm not working i'm enjoying japan..

yes i get to go on the train an experience normal life haha.. that was fun.. was on the way to site see..

oh lets not forget .. radio interviews.. haha i love it!


more to come ;)

Sunday, September 4, 2011


hey everyone .. i'm currently in japan right now and about to head off to perform at a tv show.. super excited and happy that i'm continuously able to promote this album out here ..  these past two weeks for me
have been an eye opener in many ways..  i thought i knew who i was but not completely.. i learned so much about myself that it was somewhat scary haha but liberating.. i learned that i put myself in my way a lot and trusting myself is one of those things that i did not realize i was really battling with..  i've taken initiative to practice trust and to be ok that i don't have control on everything and although the results i envisioned may turn out slightly different.. its ok.. its o... k.. haha.. Another interesting set back on my end was not knowing how to receive support.. and people such as my friends who were always open to be there for me.. i didn't completely take in because i guess i felt like bad that i was wasting their time or something.. hahaha silly.. anyways.. givers gain yes.. but i've learnt that i need to be just as good a giver as i am a receiver.. wooo.. that felt good to say hahaha.. and being grateful for it and truly appreciating it because just as much as anyone else i deserve it haha.. yayyy!!!

Anyways guys with that said.. i want to sincerely thank all of u out there who has shown me support  big or small... support is support and i love u guys for it all.. thank u..
i'll be hitting u guys again soon.. much love

ps.. fyi.. lots of great plans coming up.. to my fans.. new music is in the works and i can't wait to share it all with u.. !!!